Straightline International background checks also has an office in Paris, France."If your company is going to do searches in the USA without an FBI clearance certificate, you should have no difficulty accepting the results from your vendor in France."
My many trips to Paris have shown me that the French do not want to do work performing pre-employment screening.
Take criminal records. Only, in the United States is accessing criminal records through the courts the norm.
In Paris, and France, accessing criminal records is done through an agency in Nantes.
But you can save yourself a lot of time (especially) if you are the employer going to the courts.
Court records are stored and accessed similar to the USA.
And privacy issues can be averted by getting an 'informed consent' from the applicant; the same consent you would need to use information even if given to you by the applicant.
Which by the way would have to happen because in no way would the certificate be issued directly to a 3rd party.
Of course you can do things American-style and go to the court.
Even the same office that processes criminal record request suggests that in case of a problem to contact the courts:
For all information contact:
The ‘Casier judiciaire national’,
The ‘Tribunal de Première Instance’
True, the documentation provided by the Casier judiciare nacional is a 'bird in the hand," but if your company is going to do searches in the USA without an FBI clearance certificate, you should have no difficulty accepting the results from your vendor in France.
Straightline International has an office in Paris, France.
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